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4 Common Reasons You May Need Roadside Assistance

calling roadside assistance for common problems

Common Roadside Assistance Reasons

Nothing dampens your day quite like car trouble. Luckily, there are many businesses like Terry’s Auto Service & Towing that offer roadside assistance. It can be frustrating to not know what is wrong with your vehicle, but there are many common causes of car trouble that are a simple fix. Here are some of the most common reasons you may need to contact roadside assistance.


We’ve all had that experience where you put your key into the ignition, turn it, and nothing happens. This can be extremely frustrating when you are in a hurry or are at a location where friends or family can’t quickly get there to help. Roadside assistance is a great way to get a jumpstart and get you back on your way. If you are in constant need of a jump, you should replace your car battery to avoid the need in the future.

Flat Tires

Another common cause for roadside assistance is if you have a flat tire, especially if you are on the side of the road. You should have a spare tire in your vehicle, but it can be difficult to change a flat by yourself. Roadside assistance can get your tire swapped out and send you on your way fairly quickly.

Gas Delivery

Some days, you are just in a hurry. You’re driving down the road and your car starts to act funny. Worried, you pull off to the side and try to figure out what’s wrong. Then you remember that you needed to get gas.

It may feel like a bit of an embarrassing blunder, but gas delivery is a common service provided by roadside assistance companies. They will get you the fuel you need to make it to a gas station and fill up your tank.

Lockout Service

Roadside assistance will also help if you accidentally locked your keys in your car! Lockout service is another very common issue for drivers. When the roadside assistance technician arrives, they can get your car unlocked and get you on your way in no time.

Roadside Assistance from Terry’s Auto

At Terry’s Auto Service & Towing, we know that sometimes things happen. That’s why we offer roadside assistance, 24 hour towing, and many other services through our auto shop. If you are in the Springfield, Missouri, area and are looking for an auto shop, look no further! Check out all of the services we offer on the Terry’s Auto website or contact us for more information.

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