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From the Auto Shop: How to Stay Safe on the Road during Bad Weather

Tips from the auto shop for driving in rain

Terry’s Auto Shop provides tips for safety during inclement weather.

Knowing how to handle hazardous conditions such as rain, hail or snow is a big part of safe driving. Our auto shop staff can provide tips to keep you safe.

Winter, spring, fall and summer can all be beautiful times of the year. But the challenges each season brings can also be very dangerous if you are traveling through ice and snow, strong winds or heavy rain. At Terry’s Auto Service and Towing, we want all of our customers to be safe while out on the road – regardless of what time of year it is. That’s why our auto shop experts are here to offer you some safe driving suggestions.

Keep supplies on hand for emergencies.

You never know when you may be stuck on the side of the road, and while you wait for help to arrive you need to make sure that you and your family are safe and warm. Be sure to keep extra blankets in the trunk year round. You may also want to consider putting together an emergency kit that includes hand warmers, cooling blankets or cooling pads, flashlights, batteries, first aid supplies, medication, bottled water and non-perishable snacks.

Use your headlights when visibility is low.

Headlights are not just for nighttime use. A good way to remember to turn on your headlights during inclement weather is to turn them on any time you start using your windshield wipers. Our auto shop staff also suggests you also start using your headlights when you notice the first sign of fog.

Don’t get distracted.

It’s difficult enough to try to drive while it is snowing, raining or extremely windy. Don’t make the task even harder by attempting to talk on the phone or answer texts. Terry’s Auto Shop strongly recommends you NOT use your phone while operating your vehicle. If you must make a call, find a safe place to pull over and put your emergency lights on if needed.

Check the weather before you leave.

Anytime you travel during the winter months or spring months, it is a good idea to check the local weather and travel reports before you go. This will keep you informed on any potential hazards that may lie ahead on your commute to work or school, such as rain storms, tornadoes or snow storms.

Always tell someone where you are going.

When attempting to drive in bad weather situations, always let someone else know where you are going and when you expect to arrive at your destination. This way, there will be someone aware if something were to happen to you along the way, and they would be able to call for help.

Terry’s Auto Shop is always here to help.

Whether you are in need of 24 hour towing or roadside assistance, you can get in touch with us here at Terry’s Auto Shop for fast and professional help exactly when you need it. We offer everything from affordable towing services to flat tire repair and wrecker services. Contact us today at Terry’s Auto Service and Towing for more details.

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